Thursday, June 6, 2013


     This is not going to be a post where I give advice of any sort.  Actually, none of my posts have advice in them, because I generally have no clue what I'm doing.  That's why I read other people's blogs.  Duh-doy.  No, this post is actively seeking advice from others, because we have been having Issues (capital 'i') around here lately.  For the last few months, Skeletor has developed a rather disconcerting habit.  He's picking scabs.  And not like most people do.  You know how it goes.  The scab gets itchy because it's healing, and you maybe scratch at it a little too enthusiastically.  Then, bam, blood.  But the boy is compulsively scratching and picking at all minor wounds until it has formed a big old sore.  He even got ringworm in one of his sores because of this.  Another kid in his class had some cah-razy unchecked ringworm all over her legs, and he transferred it into his boo-boo because of all the infernal picking!  When I try to tell him not to pick, he rather patiently explains to me (as if I don't speak the King's English) that he has to pick because "it bothers me."  (Also, he says 'bothers' as if he were channeling Catherine Tate, and this delights me to no end.)

     We've tried the obvious...well, we've tried band-aids.  Don't look at me like that!  It's all I could think of! Has anyone else had this problem?  It's worrying me (or bovvering me, if you will.)  Not only is there the whole germ factor, he picks long enough and deep enough at these things to cause scarring.  So, yeah.  Interwebs friends, I'm going to need you to help a sister out here.  Mmmmkay?


  1. Hmmmm. I'm a picker at heart and can't leave a sunburn or peelie toes alone even if you threaten me with clandestine foreign prison.

    But never was a scab peeler.

    Liquid bandage would probably be fun to peel, though it's worth a try. Keeping the scab moist with antibiotic ointment under a 3M bandage (the waterproof thingies that seal all around) would make it less dry and itchy and way less satisfying to peel.

    I tend to default to freaking my kids out with dire consequences like scarring and flesh eating viruses inside the wound, but that might not suit skeletor's temperment at all.

    Um, aside re: ringworm girl...seriously? How did her parents not get her checked and medicated and at home for a few days? Ew.

    What about drawing special pictures on his bandages to keep them on? Or reading a book about a superhero that leaves scabs alone? (Last one is a stretch, but if you can't find one, write it with him and publish it and be famous and wealthy and...) Or trimming his nails wicked short? Rewarding each day a scab is intact with something valuable to him?

    1. Thanks! These are all good ideas. And, yes, I too was appalled when I saw this kid at school. When I took Skeletor to the doctor for the ringworm, she was all, "You must keep it covered, or the school won't let him come to class." Just kidding, apparently, because this little girl had it all over her legs. I feel bad for her, but her parents need a good smack in the head. Yeah, I'm being judge-y. It's cool.

  2. Little Miss has a LOT of trouble leaving scabs alone too. The unfortunate part of the bandage solution is that you eventually have to leave it off if you ever want the injury to heal... And as soon as you leave the bandage off, the picking begins!

    When things have gotten bad, I have used gauze pads and bandage tape to keep her away from the scabs. Make sure you get the old fashioned tape that feels almost like ribbon - the papery tape comes off way too easy

    1. Ugh... Replying on my mobile and for some reason, I wasn't allowed to type any more...

      The other thing we do is resort to long pants/long sleeve clothes. For LM, at least, out of sight is out of mind. Don't know if that will work with S... But its worth a try, right?

    2. Definitely! The scabs he has right now, including the one that had ringworm in it, are on his face! Gasp! But, I'm liking the gauze pads idea. He might leave that alone, plus it will let the wound breathe more. Thanks!

  3. Anxiety? I only ask because i will pick at my nails until they bleed when I'm anxious. A lot of times I don't even know I'm doing it until someone points it out.

    1. It could be. I'm at my wits end here. Which is no good because I need my wits.

  4. My son has itchy eczema. I understand your dilemma... Have you all figured out a solution yet?

    Not too much will keep him from scratching. However, when it starts healing and it's at the height of the itchy cycle - try a little cream, or Vaseline (or whatever meds you're using). And encourage your little itchy man to rub it, rather than scratch it.

    Sorry sis - that's all I got. :)

    good luck!

    1. Thanks! We haven't really come up with anything that works 100% yet. I'll let you know if we do.

  5. Ok, this idea will definitely NOT win me the parent of the year award (and I was SO CLOSE!), but it's worked (sometimes). Wait, brb, ok, I just discovered my son with a pair of toenail clippers, cutting off the callouses on the bottom of his feet. Obviously, we have more work to do here.

    1. I'm going to assume that he has you held hostage with said nail clippers. Don't worry. We have rescue coming for you, Shiny. We never leave a man behind.

  6. It's kind of sad that I'm just now reading and responding to this, but I can relate to the feeling that you NEED to pick. Due to either my slight OCD or my anxiety (hell...maybe both) I find myself picking to no end at times. And yeah, this is pretty much a useless comment as I don't really have any advice or remedies. I guess I just wanted to say I get that it "bothers" him.

    1. If it's sad that you took a while to comment, then it's even sadder that it took me forever to respond. Whoopsies!
