Sunday, June 10, 2012

Marvin The Mummy Gets An EEG!

     Skeletor has to get an EEG later this week.  As some of you know, Skeletor is obsessed with all things Halloween.  (Except the candy, oddly enough.  I always have to trick-or-treat for him.  And I assure you, nobody believes that I have another kid who needs candy.  I can still feel their judge-y eyeballs!)  In the hopes of making this process as painless as possible, I made the little man a story about a mummy who gets an EEG, too.  Fingers crossed that it works! 


  1. This is a really fantastic book!
    I had to do this with Dude last year. Keeping them awake on the way to the hospital can tough. Dude played with his iPod touch and that kept him alert.
    I also saved my Target run for that night and Dude and I went there late at night which was a treat for him. We also had a new hot wheels set that we set up and played with for a couple hours. It turned out to be much easier to keep Dude awake than I expected.
    Good luck with your test!

    1. Thanks. We are doing the EEG as part of an autism study, but also because he needs to have one anyway. Through the study got him in faster. Aaaaaaaand, the study gives us a $30 Toys R Us gift card for participating!

    2. Sounds like the book needs an amendment: "you can pick any toy in the store that costs less than $30". :-)

  2. This is such an awesome idea. I think this will help his nerves for sure.
    You win at parenting today...heck you win for the entire week!

  3. You are AMAZING! This is such a cool social story! Ook... Gonna stop gushing now, but seriously... Awesome much?

    Good luck with the EEG - and If you want to chat about anything related to it, you know where to find me :-)

  4. I Seriously LOVE this... Simply AWESOME. YOU. GO. GIRL.

    1. Thanks! It was our first try at a social story, and it seems to have worked like a charm!

  5. OMG, I love that book! You are so creative. I think it will help him a lot.

    Gosh, now I know who to go to when I need a social story, wink-wink.

    1. Thanks! I couldn't believe how well behaved he was today, so I'm just going to add that onto my win column!

  6. Your storybook was absolutely adorable! What a wonderful way to lessen a child’s apprehension about a medical test. Your little boy is lucky to have you for his mummy mommy!

    On another note—thanks so much for your comment, Kristina. For some reason it ended up in Bloggers spam folder and I just found it this morning. :( I really appreciate that you kept trying to comment even when Blogger was being persnickety. Thanks very much! :D


    1. Thanks! It really helped him today! And why does Blogger gotta be hatin? Rude!
