Friday, May 4, 2012

My First Special Needs Ryan Gosling Post

     This is my first attempt at the Special Needs Ryan Gosling meme hosted by the super awesome Sunday over at Adventures in Extreme Parenthood.  It's inspired by a very upsetting experience we had at Skeletor's school today.  But, I'm emotionally shell-shocked right now, so I will save that story for another day.  But, here's my SN Ryan Gosling contribution!  Ta-tas!

Awwwww, yeah.

     Update: I just wanted to make it perfectly clear to anyone and everyone (and no one) that is reading this.  I am in no way making light of the afore-mentioned "incident."  But, really, if I don't laugh, I'll scream.  And screaming makes my throat all ouchy.  But, then I might sound like Jessica Rabbit, which would be cool. I'm confused.  


  1. Oh yes PLEASE!! Welcome to the SN Ryan Gosling club!!

  2. Glad you liked it! I was nervous!

  3. This is all sorts of awesome! Bow chicka wow wow, indeed!

  4. Yay!!! Not for the issues but for joining us!!! And hang in there--some of the school issues are of the worst kind--because they happen to our kids. Hang in there and hugs.

  5. Thanks, you guys are awesome sauce! I really needed this today! Thanks, thanks, thanks!!!

  6. ahahahaha. I love all of this.

    I'm super sad that I didn't think of your blog name for my own. I hate pants!

  7. Thanks!!! Pants are an unnecessary hinderence!
